HR Scan
How can companies better anticipate and be prepared for the future of work? How can executive managers face the HR risk and improve their recruitment processes to be competitive? In this environment where employees are the first resource to manage, ICI-HR offers a customized-innovation based diagnosis of your HR tools to prepare each businesses’ transformation. A global check-up aiming at assessing your starting point in term of HR innovation, define your objectives and implement solutions.

The HR 21st century check-up is a global and scientific diagnosis of your issues realized by ICI-HR experts to address your HR risk and support your company in its evolution towards innovation. Analyse the talent development and retention of your business and the tools you are currently using for HR processes.
Interview based exploration of current issues
Assessment of recruitment and retention processes
Structuring appropriate testing, benchmarks, diagnostics infrastructure
Scientific study of organization performance and development
Personalized internal scoreboard for organizational and HR future goals